Blue Yooni
Unicorn X Wolf ( Magic Man)
Lili's Pecan Pie
(Because he's that good!)
Elliot 3053
Uproar X (Choad x Sandbagger)
Icon 7117 X Kelly 8050
Wasteney X Wasteney dorset
Angry Bird X Simmons
Lookin' Wild
Look St Me Now X Wild Things flush mate (Crown Royal)
Ellerbrock 5455
Chicken Hawk x Droppert 15063 (Angry Bird x Troubador)
Purchased from Harms Show Lambs
Choad x Log Dog
7049 is going to be a man child. I love the general build of this fella. He is wide based an correct in his skeleton. He walks around the pen with his head high an like he is in command. This one has that hard touch that you ideally want and yet still has a great look to his muscle and flank.
Roc-A-Feller X Obsession's dam
Hot Dam
Ellerbrock "Crown Royal" son X Ellerbrock Donor
Hoss Cartwright
Dog X Houdini
Bred by Shroyer
Picasso X Dog/Tonic
What can I say? His name describes him. A superb example of the clean, wide, super headed, pretty sheep that Shroyers are known for. He will see all of our 2012 keeper ewe lambs. Pictured as a lamb at right.
Time To Shine
Hewlett 205
Canyon X Grand
Shiner Boc
Time to Shine X Hip
Reference Sires
We started building our flock with Snake (Venom x Marx 66) with the help of Bradley and Brian. Two other Johnson rams were used to give us our foundation.
Cabaniss 422-07
Cabaniss 422-07
Six Bits X 118
Cabaniss 422-07 was selected at the 2009 production sale where he was one of the most popular rams there. We located this ram on the farm and were especially impressed with his clean, upright front. Six Bits sired the grand at Houston in 2007 and is sired by Cash who sired the Grand at Houston in 2002. His granddam, 02-1280, is the same on both sides of his pedigree. All daughters of both 02-1280 and the dam of Six Bits have been retained by Cabaniss. The genetics behind this guy are lined up with the best of Cabaniss.
Big Jim
Miller 0-655
This ram was added from the Miller Hampshire's online sale in 2010. He is a very large ram and is tremendously wide, yet still neat in his front. Many have said he was the "buy of the sale."
Click for video
Cabaniss 757-05
After several years of service in the Franz flock, we were able to return Johnny to Oklahoma. Todd clained he was one of the most consistant sire he has seen.
Need More Than This
Cabaniss 112-07
Road Hog x 112 Son'OGun
"Need More Than This" was featured in the 2008 Cabaniss production sale. This stud had the depth of twist and stifle expression that we hunted for all summer long. He has that width of top and pins we all want along with the
bone and "shag" that is in demand, all with him being the longest ram we have. His first lamb crop carried our ewe base to the next level with 20 daughters being retained.
Power Rupp
Rupp Plux X CEO
Cole Farms 3252
Mick X Miller 934 Daughter
This ram was chosen to carry on the "Mick" line.
Cole Farms 3072 X Cabaniss B84 Daughter
B84 was the grand matron of our Shropshire flock. Earl is a true "club lamb" Shropshire sire.
Wasteney 901 Yellow
Especially known for his fancy ewe lambs.
The Mick
Hancock 9140
Rupp Plus x Leverage
"The Mick" was added this summer to maintain that flat top and rump structure that the Rupp sheep possess. This ram was one of four stud prospects that were retained by the Hancock flock in 2009. His mother, Hancock 4185, produced a wether that stood next to the Reserve at Houston. Special thanks to Mick Culp for getting this ram to Oklahoma.
Cole Farms 3072
Twin brother to "Rifes Show Pony" (pictured), reserve Shrop at Sedalia, 3072 stayed home and is our lead Shrop ram. Sorry, no pictures, he is either camera shy or Koby is too lazy to catch him or Linda has the camera at school. Sara said it most certainly was not her fault, so I'll let you guess on that one. One thing we know for sure, "It is not Rex's fault, he is the boss!" 3072 sired the Reserve Shrop at Sedalia in 2009.
Rex, Linda, Kendra,
Koby and Rowdy Cole
11281 N 1975 Rd
Elk City, OK 73644
Rex's cell: (580) 243 0749
Koby's cell: (580) 821-2355
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